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PHP Bigdata Tutorial 1 - Can we use PHP for big data

PHP Supports the Large data processing. 

Of course, you can use PHP for big data, You can make GTK and CLI applications with PHP to process Big Data. There is specifically no reason why other technologies not using much then Java and Python, actually Java is used for build Hadoop and Map Reduce. So Most of the tools and Frameworks developed with Java. Python Supports Mathematical operations better then PHP. PHP mostly used for Web and Server side operations with RDBMS Data bases better than No SQL.
Big data is not a single technology for single application, the range of the big data is very large. Big data is nothing but a data size not enough in a single system. And need to process the data very quickly. The data size is some giga bites to yottabytes (now we have Petabytes data on Big Data but feature there may be yottabytes data). No matter what ever the size of the data Hadoop can handle it with very efficiently, no other technology beside Hadoop.


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